How do I use Spam Assassin?

First you Enable Spam Assassin. If an email is found to be Spam the system will add ***SPAM*** to the Subject line.

Spam assassin has two settings:
Enable / Disable Spam Assassin
Auto-Delete Spam  and Disable Auto-Delete Spam

If you wish to delete spam set auto delete on.
The number defaults to 5 and I recommend not setting it lower than 3.
The higher the number the more likely spam will get through.

To configure Spam Assassin click on the button on the bottom of the screen.
Again you have a spam score which you can set which defaults to 5
You can also Black list or white list an email address or domain.

Spam Assassin has an auto white list feature which can be a problem.
If you are getting too much Spam delete the auto white list file
It's located in your account Root at    /.spassassin/auto-whitelist

If you still have problems with it auto white listing senders which are sending you spam the pref file needs to be edited.
A line needs to be added to it but you need a proper editor to do this as notepad will not work.
The file manager editor in cpanel can edit it.
When you click on file manager be sure to check the box "Show Hidden Files"
Add the line shown below to the file and save.
Then delete the file auto-whitelist.

If you need help we will make the change for you.

The added line below is to the /.spamassassin/user_prefs
use_auto_whitelist 0

Once this is added to user_prefs the white list file will no longer be created.

To help move spam to a folder in Outlook

Create a new folder in Outlook where the Spam mail will be moved to.
Name the New Folder in your email application named Spam or any name you feel is appropriate.
Then create a new Rule, under Outlook's tools menu, to move all messages to the folder you just created if the Subject contains the word ***SPAM*** and ignore all other rules.
Important - This rule must be the first rule in your rules list!
Last you can set the Folder to delete all messages that are older than X number of days.
This is done by right clicking on the folder and choosing Properties and then choosing the Auto Archive Tab.

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