File permissions

File Permissions Problems

When you upload a file the default permission set may not work for the file type you uploaded.

CGI files for example will require 755 or execute for all three user groups. Linux / Apache breaks it down to three Groups - Owner, Group and World. Files normally are set to Read only on Group and World for most popular file types such as .html or .php. CGI files require execute and some PHP and other file types may also require this setting. For the correct settings refer to the software vendor as to their requirements.

If you use an FTP program click on the file name. Most FTP applications support right click menus so if your does then right click on the highlighted file and choose properties. The properties box may have check boxes in combination with a text input box. Either click all three boxes for execute or input 755 in the text box and click Ok / Save. Refresh the file list to be sure changes took place.

Do not set a file to more than it requires! A setting of 777 allows anyone to write to your files and could be a problem.
This is also no longer supported by SUPHP which will error should you set a permission above what SUPHP allows for PHP files.

Before we switched to SUPHP there were problems with files uploaded via your web application unless it supports FTP to upload the files. Without SUPHP applications will upload files as the user named Nobody and your FTP program can not change, overwrite or delete such files since you are not the owner. Files created by applications prior to the change we made will still be owned by the user Nobody where as newer files will have your account ownership and both FTP or your php application can overwrite or delete such files..

Joomla for instance supports uploading files via FTP and requires you to enter the FTP login in the settings screen for file upload. I would recomend not using your Cpanel FTP user here as it saves these setting in the config php file and can be a security problem. Create a new FTP user and set the location where that user can upload files in Cpanel and then use that user in the Joomla FTP settings. This of course will require you to add a second FTP login in your FTP application to access full rights to those files.

We installed SUPHP on all our servers which overcomes this ownership problem with PHP applications.

If you need the ownership of a file changed open a support ticket and we will change the ownership to your main account.


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