Server down due to upgrade problems (已解決)
  • 優先級 - 重大
  • 影響範圍 伺服器 - Goldenage
  • The USA server was down for 2 hours due to an Upgrade problem

    When Curl was upgraded it caused Apache to fail to start.
    This did not effect emails.

    The upgrade was done manually as the auto upgrade failed.
    Our technician worked on it for 2 hours till the problem was solved.

  • 日期 - 06/18/2020 12:57 - 08/05/2020 02:50
  • 最後更新 - 06/18/2020 13:03
hotmail blocking our IP (已解決)
  • 優先級 - 中
  • 影響範圍 伺服器 - Goldenage
  • We are working on removing the IP block

    This was caused by a clients PC being infected where the malware installed sent out many emails.

    Microsoft make it very difficult to remove blocks.
    This make take weeks to resolve

  • 日期 - 01/26/2020 04:40 - 06/18/2020 13:03
  • 最後更新 - 01/26/2020 04:44
Server is being replaced (已解決)
  • 優先級 - 高
  • Darkage will be down for a short time as it's being replaced with a new server.
    Service will be restored as quickly as possible.

  • 日期 - 07/18/2014 10:45
  • 最後更新 - 07/19/2014 17:36
Raid Controller Card Failed (已解決)
  • 優先級 - 重大
  • 影響範圍 伺服器 - Goldenage
  • This morning about 7 AM the Server went down due to a bad Raid Controller Card.
    The Card was replaced but we had ongoing problems throughout the Morning,

    The RAID drives had some files which had problems being read so a Disk Repair was done.

    After a bit of work we managed to get it back up and running proper before Noon time.

  • 日期 - 10/15/2013 15:10
  • 最後更新 - 10/15/2013 15:19
Server Down for repair (已解決)
  • 優先級 - 重大
  • Our Server Darkage has been down since 8 AM this morning.

    The technicians are finding it a bit hard to isolate the problem as it seems to not show itself.

    Problem should be fixed soon

    CW3 Web Hosting

  • 日期 - 03/14/2013 09:40
  • 最後更新 - 03/14/2013 10:25
MySql issues (已解決)
  • 優先級 - 低
  • 影響範圍 伺服器 - Goldenage
  • Due to the new Remote Server being added we have a few minor problems.

    Database backup does not take place for those databases that have not been moved over to the new server.

    Users may find that PhpMyAdmin shows a login screen or error when you try to access the remote server.
    This problem can be solved by changing your Cpanel password.

    To avoid major problems Do not upgrade your website software unless you first move your database to the new remote server!

  • 日期 - 02/20/2013 20:06
  • 最後更新 - 02/28/2013 00:49
Darkage will go down for a short time (已解決)
  • 優先級 - 中
  • The backup drive will be replaced today.

    Two issues came up on Darkage.

    A cable seems to have caused problems and will be replaced and in checking the server we also found the backup drive has too many bad sectors.
    Both will be replaced today and the server is set to be down for 30 mins to an hour today to service it.
    We don't expect the tech people will postpone this as they have parts required to complete the repairs.

    CW3 Web Hosting

  • 日期 - 06/22/2009 17:08 - 06/23/2009 07:45
  • 最後更新 - 06/22/2009 17:14
Darkage drive failure (已解決)
  • 優先級 - 中
  • Darkage has lost the main drive on Feb 19th.

    The mirror drive is now being used and a new drive is set for install soon.

    Down time due to this was 2 hours.

    A replacement drive was installed and Darkage is back on track.

    There was additional down time as the new drive was being installed.

  • 日期 - 02/19/2009 18:08 - 03/18/2009 00:00
  • 最後更新 - 03/18/2009 04:04



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Goldenage PHP 資訊
SuperFas PHP 資訊
Ulatu UK PHP 資訊